The Future is Weird, So Lean In!

An Argument To Radically Rethink Your Paradigms.

//Headlining Image: Gemini + DALL-E + Dan Cristian Pădureț’s Photo of Multicolored Abstract Painting

Get ready, because the future is already weird. But don't worry, weird is how good things happen! As we explore new technologies and chase the next big thing, we're bound to encounter some strange and unexpected solutions. The key is to embrace this weirdness, not for the sake of being trendy, but as an opportunity to completely redefine paradigms around interactions, and by immediate association, refining user experiences.

Let's face it, we're stuck in a cycle, and yes I’m talking about the hype cycle. Shiny new tech emerges, gets hyped to the moon, and then gets crammed into everything, often with disappointing results. We're seeing this play out right now with AI. Everyone wants a piece of the AI pie, but shoving it into your software just for the sake of it won't magically improve your UX, your returns, and frankly any of your outcomes.

The good news? This "weird" phase is where the magic happens. It's a chance to break free from the old ways of doing things and explore entirely new paradigms for how users interact with technology. Think of cashierless stores from a few years back or the mind-blowing potential of hologram and AR technology in retail. These innovations are examples of new paradigms enabled through tech that force us to rethink what a truly delightful user experience can be.

This time around, AI is a particularly deep shakeup. It has the potential to fundamentally change the way we design experiences and software. It’s not a far leap to consider complex interfaces being replaced by "client portals" where a voice capture system interacts with AI agents working tirelessly behind the scenes. This would be a whole new ball game where software-as-a-service may become Specialized-agents-as-a-Service.

Sidenote: Last week’s Founder Friday tackled an extremely connected talk track. Shout out to VP of Product ML/AI at Google, Mat Velloso!

Here's My Call-To-Action

When new foundational technologies come out, don't get roped up into the hype and blindly shove it into everything. Instead, use this "weird" time to re-evaluate how you deliver value to your customers.

After understanding its limitations, ask yourself the following: How can new technologies like AI help you create a whole new paradigms for user interactions?

Let's move beyond the "shiny new wrench" mentality and start thinking on a grander scale. Consider the potential to disrupt new technologies, and how they can be harnessed to create truly groundbreaking user experiences.

The future is weird, yes, but it's also brimming with possibilities. So buckle up, and get ready for a wild ride!

Yee Haw 🤠

P.S. Can't wait to see what weird and wonderful experiences the artists at MTL Connects come up with in little under 2 weeks!

Want to talk about this longer? Need more customized help on the matter? Email me [email protected] don’t be shy, let’s talk.

I know there are a LOT of other AI-Product topics to cover like feedback loops and ethics, so let me know if that’s something you want to see discussed!

Here’s an anonymous channel for you to send me your thoughts if the comments section isn’t for you! 😉

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